Proclaiming Truth and Grace
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.
Welcome to Mark Richard Ministry.
I'm grateful that you've found your way here, and I believe it's not by chance but by God's divine plan. The purpose of this platform is to share the contents of my letter, "In Error to God’s Heir," as we are commanded to spread the gospel to all creation (Mark 16:15).
This letter is a testament to the transformative power of Jesus Christ in my life. It's a story about His love, mercy, patience, and saving grace -- not by my works, but by total a surrender of my sins to the Cross. It's only then than we can receive the redemptive work of Jesus.
I am humbled to share the letter, for God's glory, with the world through this medium.
About This Website
On a Sunday afternoon in late November 2023, I received a strong impression to address, in a letter, those identifying as gay and Christian from my personal journey of recognizing my error, repenting, and embracing a life devoted to following Jesus Christ. The letter, titled "In Error to God’s Heir," is based by two and a half years of diligent preparation through study of the Word, prayer, fellowship, and fasting and guided by the indwelling Holy Spirit.
My letter combines a humble invitation, a bold acknowledgment of my sin, repentance, and full commitment to Christ, with more than 120 Biblical Scriptures spanning from Genesis to Revelation addressing the error of gay identity and being a Christ follower.
"If you abide in my Word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free." John 8:31-32
About Mark
"I once was lost, but now am found. Was blind, but now I see."
These beautiful words from the hymn, "Amazing Grace," speak to my life and the transformative power of The Word of God and the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
I was so very lost; I was a sinner who was perishing. While I was a success by the world's standards, I was spiritually bankrupt. I had deceived myself into thinking I was a good person. (Only God is the judge and standard for that.)